Confirm that you are a fit and proper person (i.e. no criminal convictions)
Confirm you are 23 years or older
Confirm you have held an A or A2 UK licence for more than 3 years
Confirm you have no more than 5 penalty points on your UK driving licence?
Preferred Centre
General Data Protection Regulation questions
Keep you updated
Are you OK for us to contact you about other types of courses or events that we run, as well as important things like expiring CBT certificates?
Send details to others
Are you OK for us to pass on your details onto another company for the purposes of a Customer Satisfaction Survey?
Thank you for your interest in Lightning Motorcycle Training; if you would kindly return your application to us, successful applicants will be contacted inside 7 days for an interview. Lightning Motorcycle Training is an equal opportunities employer and the successful applicant will be chosen on merit irrespective of disability, race, colour or creed.
Enquiry complete
Thank you for your enquiry, it has been received and will be dealt with as soon as possible.